Work place horror stories

Had a 6 months contract in some company located in town. From the outside, everything looks atas and perfect. But the inside, everything was rotten to the core. I almost got fired on my first day of work because I cracked a joke that I'm actually older than the age listed in my application. My upperstudy questioned me on why I listed my age younger than I really am when another colleague asked me my age and I joked that I was a father with kids. I found it strange that in the first place, she is just another hired person there so apart from my manager, how did she even get access to see my application?

My manager brought me to a meeting room and asked me why did I lie in my application. Apparently, that upperstudy hated me so much at the first few hours that she immediately went to rat on me.

The age was correct. We have an entire HR department and they already requested for all documents before hiring me.

I actually hoped my manager would fire me on the first day after that because it was already very toxic and it was only my first day.

Subsequently, I got bullied by everyone there. They will have a meeting as requested by the CEO and nobody told me anything. So I would looked stupid rushing into the meeting room at the last minute. No one told me anything or taught me anything and because my role involved using external suppliers, I didn't dare to take liberty with it because every wrong move costs money.

I even got bullied by the intern who was younger than me because his dad was some rich friend of my CEO. I would be eating at my desk and he would hand me a paper and told me to photocopy it for him when the printer machine was just 2 metres away from us. When I did it, he would walk over, say thanks and took over. He basically disturbed my lunch just to make me walk over and pressed a few buttons on the machine.

There was this senior executive who was 30 that year and he was effeminate as hell. He was engaged to be married but he has this very 'girly' vibe to him. He seemed to be the kind that can only thrive in a female environment and he bahaved in a very sarcastic, bitchy and needy manner.

These 2 were good friends and when the GM asked me some questions pertaining to the suppliers, I would give an answer and he would latch on the conversation by trying to sound smart and pretend to question me.

GM: "Is it possible to install that on our wall?"

Me: "I asked the contractor, they said they would do it but there is a risk of spoiling the wall with cracks."

Girly-boy: "Who is the "they"? And who said walls can't be drilled?" (with a very incredulous pretentious smartass look on his face)

When we go out for lunch and the ladies started walking in front talking about their own female stuffs, he would get emo and walked off on his own.

One of the lady then asked me, "where did he go?!"

Me: "Erm, he said he was going to the post office..."

"OMG, he cannot be left alone one! Tsk! Nvm you all go back first!" (runs off to find him)

It got to the point where even the bitchy ladies in the office were trying to please his littleboy ego and his attention-seeking antics. And this guy was ENGAGED.

My manager was no better. It was a constant battle between the rest and him, i got screwed from both sides because everytime something happened and I got bullied, my manager would verbally fuck me in front of everyone. He would pick on my choice of words and then dared me to repeat it again or he would fire me. I was constantly being threatened with being fired, getting into trouble.

The other departments knew what was wrong and they never spoke to anyone from my side unless it was necessary. I ended up becoming friends with everyone OUTSIDE of the department and they would always gave me a smile and a hang in there look and the other workers would tell me stories about my upperstudy and how she sucked up to the bosses and how the ladies inside were all incompetant.

I didn't finish my contract, I resigned on the 4th month and served out the remaining one month with my entitled leaves being utilised. My upperstudy was on maternity leaves for 6 months and I intentionally left all the backend work half done so that she had to pick up the pieces and I won't be around nor obligated to answer her questions anymore.

I did all my work except for the backend stuffs.

Horrible place. Even some of our suppliers didn't want our businesses and offer me refunds. They know about the condition there for some reasons and some even offered me an opening once my contract ends.

This was a few years back. After I left, the new CEO fired those who he deemed were not contrbuting as a cost-cutting measure. My upperstudy was one of them. I met one of the finance lady on the street and she told me the stories.

The ladies who were sucking up to the bosses threw their resignation letter at the first sign of trouble.

I moved on to a better company and has been in my current place for close to 3 years already.

/r/singapore Thread