What "Normal" Muslims Believe

Most Muslims in the Western world are there to escape this sort of extremism.

Sorry but this is stupid. What you're seeing in the video is not so shocking if you grew up with arab muslims and listened to them chat about world domination and laugh at your countrymen for being stupid. I cut off all my arab muslim friends when I was 16, 17 and it was partially because they were all fake assholes every single one of them, and partially because I got to know kurds and arab christians and listening to the stories of what they went through (at the hands of arab muslims) made it so that I could never look at another arab muslim the same again. And the idea that we harbor both victims and perpetrators in Sweden under the same umbrella of victim-hood frankly makes me sick to my stomach. All my arab muslim friends had plenty of cash stashed away with relatives and lifted social welfare as an extra income. They had a system of taking small business loans and running it into the ground while skimming cash on the side and then selling it cheap to friends or relatives before it tanked. The only thing they were running away from was having to work for a living, it is much easier to game a naive system of infidels that do not fall under normal moral commitments because they are not muslims. The arab christians and kurds on the other hand were poor as fuck because they left with nothing running from your "most muslims" and didn't ask for anything other than a job and a future for their kids. It's so messed up I can't even describe it in words properly without risking to venture into some serious bigotry because I get seriously upset just thinking about it...

And yeah, I'm sure there's some variety in there and they're not all like that. Who knows, maybe a few actually was too liberal to live with other arab muslims as you say (I doubt it). In either case generalizing is not necessarily bad if it describes an underlying truth. Like I'm a traveler/"gypsy" and I haven't stolen a single thing in my entire life because I've never agreed with that lifestyle, but fuck me do I know a lot of travelers that do. There is just no way of getting around it. Travelers have a culture of living day to day at the fringe of society and actual ethnic gypsies with a gypsy religious belief even thinks non-gypsies are dirty and less human, so yeah there's that too. Similarly I dare you to find a devout arab muslim who doesn't have his head up his ass and wont engage in "civil debate" on why jews, gays or christians need to die because their pedophile warlord prophesied it. Many of these asses will even defend Hitler as man of god and for those of you who know their history a majority arab muslims were nazi sympathizers during WWII and the first non-German SS were arab muslim, etc: After France's defeat by Nazi Germany in 1940, some Arabs were chanting against the French and British around the streets of Damascus: "No more Monsieur, no more Mister, Allah's in Heaven and Hitler's on earth."Posters in Arabic stating "In heaven God is your ruler, on earth Hitler" were frequently displayed in shops in the towns of Syria.

So yeah, fuck all that. You are right about one thing though and that's that the problem is the religion, and to some extent regional religion (arab muslims = asshats). I have many non-muslim arab friends from Iran and Iraq and they're cool as shit. African muslims are also a lot less hardcore and chill. But at the core of it it is the religion that is the poison like it has always been throughout our entire fucking history. What makes arab muslims special is social progress got held back a few hundred years through endless wars so what we're seeing is a 18th, 19th century culture trying to cope with a modern society with all the ol' timey asshatness you'd expect from a religion of that time. It is literally as if the catholic dudes from the Spanish Inquisition would be thrown into a world of same sex marriage and women's liberation and stuff. It wouldn't fucking work because while the people probably wasn't more ruthless than now, their poisonous I-believe-in-fire-and-brimstone-Santa religious ideas would simply be incompatible with a tolerant, free society...

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