What has this pandemic ruined for you?

I get medicaid and that is all. So let's assume health insurance runs my family $1000 a month. So someone making $32k should be able to have money saved up. Everyone I know that averages 50-60k income hqve 2 newer cars in the driveway, brand new iPhones, goes on caribbean vacations every year, all brand new clothes, etc. The fact of the matter is people in this country are living to keep up with the Joneses. If you are making over 50k a year and dont have money saved up to at least get you through a few months of an emergency your just plain horrible with your money plain and simple. We buy cheap food, dont eat out, buy used clothes, go on cheap vacations, live in a small house and share a older used car. We dont consider ourselves living in poverty at all despite the fact our income would put us in that group.

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