What part time opportunities are out there for "side-gigs"?

First check your employment contract for moonlighting clauses. If none, proceed to step two. If present, contact your manager and ask if you can work out a mutually acceptable agreement (include HR on the agreement).

Second, figure out where you add value: pen testing, risk management, compliance, etc.

Third, start contacting firms large and small, looking for opportunities to sub-contract. Your bill rate will depend on experience and need, but in the US you should expect mid-hundreds hourly. This work should be remote and online, and depending on the deal you cut with your employer, outside normal hours (gigging in another time zone really helps with that).

Teaching as adjunct (IMO) is community service. The hours required to prep make your hourly rate roughly the same as working fast food. You can earn in one subcontracting gig what you'd earn in an entire semester. When I start teaching, it will be exactly that: community service (which is why at this stage, I focus on mentoring a few people looking to break in or to jump up - I at least know they are motivated and I'm not wasting my time).

/r/CyberSecurityJobs Thread