Should hate groups be banned in the United States?

Well I think here is the deal

Let's say hypothetically that LGBT people are systematically killed in the us... well the government can go about enforcing that in two ways,

Back in the 1950s there was the UK who were systemically killing black people, now there were many people who were racist but only 1% who were willing to pull the trigger. However, if we have a situation where 99% of the people don't want to kill but one person does how do we end up with things like the Q shooting?

Well... you see the lgbt being treated like dirt and after that happens for too long people don't see them as having any value and then it doesn't matter whether they die or not.

The Q shooting is not representative of lgbt violence in America, because it is not like the us has a problem with night clubs for lgbt people being shot up every week. But when there is that one guy who justifies it by saying there was a grooming event... well it trains people who were ambivalent to not care because it associates the issue with child abuse.

I don't think these groups promote violence but what they do say is promoting a lack of empathy and when that happens there is more of a vacuum for bigger leads where ultimately there is a super shooting and everyone feels bad.

So I don't think the Q shooting is a problem in and of itself but the response to it is a warning that things are getting worse for the LGBTQ and unless there is more empathy by these groups then the issue will continue to escalate.

People need to understand the effects of their actions and not learn to harm people who have not harmed them.

/r/askgaybros Thread