What’s the shittiest way a friend has shown you they weren’t really your friend?

In high school I was a massive stoner and barely graduated, took a year off afterward to continue the same, after that I failed out of a local state college after one year. At this point I knew I needed to get my shit together and joined the Air Force for four years. After four years I leave to go back to college, very determined to go to a really nice university in my area, very determined to complete a difficult engineering degree, very determined to not screw this all up because the GI Bill was basically paying for everything... THROUGH ALL OF THIS from high school to post AF a friend of mine who saw all of those things happen, who I spent countless nights partying with - laughed at me and said I wasn’t going to make it - after I privately expressed doubt in myself at this daunting task I had put myself up too - and when I probed the response it was clear he had no confidence in me whatsoever. I have never forgiven him for that and stopped being his friend after that night, I still see him occasionally and am friendly in passing but basically stopped contact with him. I also completed that engineering program with honors and am more successful than he will ever be.

/r/AskReddit Thread