What’s sure to happen in the near future that almost no one is prepared for?

or refusing to take care of older people

I'm in this boat. Or I wish I had been.

I took care of my dad for 15 years. I gave up going to college, relationships, jobs and buried my desire to have children.

He died last year.

Now I'm 35. I finally accepted recently that yes, I have actually ALWAYS wanted children. But I'm 35, I have a shitty job (the best I could get given I couldn't hold anything proper down while caring for him) and the chance of having children without difficulties or complications is a rapidly shrinking window.

If he'd had a stroke, I'd be pissed but whatever.

He was obese, T2 diabetic who refused to change his lifestyle. I am literally overcome with rage, helplessness, anger and disappointment at him for putting me in this position.

I imagine in the next 10-20 years there will be MANY more people in my position (parents shitty life choices putting them in the "care or don't care" position) - it's always lose/lose IMO

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