What’s your fastest skating speed?

You can say you’ve gone 46 mph on skates as a fun pub story but I can confirm with 99.8% accuracy you did not come close to 46 mph.

1) the double push, which was invented by Chad Hedrick, takes extreme practice to master and only a handful can perform a proper double push.

2) There is no double push in Longtrack or Shorttrack speedskating. Chad Hedrick, the inventor of the double push, tried his best to implement the double push when transitioning from wheels to ice but found that the double push is less effective and not viable to be use competitively on ice.

3) you would have to consistently train and be one of the top skaters in your nation and the world if you could hit 46 mph even for a short period of time.

Sorry to be that guy on the Internet for calling your story false but it is most likely false.

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