What screams "I make terrible financial decisions!"?

You consider a car a necessity? Wow.

face palm

What part of personal situation and environment do you not understand?

Not everybody lives in the city or lives in a place with reliable public transportation. Nor do they have the funds to move to a place that offers it.

Once again, the majority of working class, low-income, and poor people live in non public transport areas where a car is a must. They also live in areas where walking to work is not a viable option due to lack of sidewalk and distance issues.

Also, $400 on groceries is common considering the rising costs of food. Have you considered that they are buying in bulk? Or, buying food items that can last them for at least a month?

Please, cut it out with the "poor people spend too much money on wants" rhetoric. Poor people are some of the most frugal people I know. Go preach your frugal bullshit to middle class people who will wait in line for hours to pay for the new iPhone straight up.

I ain't never seen a poor person do that shit.

Sounds like to me you just have a real bone to pick with poor people, have a domineering attitude about finances/frugality, and also have this argumentative, I'm always right tone as well.

You're not going to get far in your financial life with that attitude.

I'm already up to $3200 saved per year on two things!

If your frugal self can only save $3200 per year, than you broke, baby.

Here's a tip, find more ways to earn more money and you can save even more, like me!

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent