What do you secretly hate?

Yes, I did watch the interview, and I saw it a long time ago and thought it was nice that she tried to make him feel better about his situation.

No, there is not always PR involved. PR people cannot control the actions of random people outside the industry. When a fan or extra tells a story, it has nothing to do with PR. Jennifer is simply popular enough that you may hear about these things, but probably won't.

And I never said that her learning to be more careful with her words sucks, I said it sucks that she is afraid that people like you will hate her for trying to say something nice but getting the wrong words out.

And now you're putting a whole bunch of words in her mouth and giving her other words new meanings. When she said "dykey", she simply meant it in terms of style. She is a GLAAD advocate and has never at any point insinuated that being gay is a phase. She has never said anything insensitive about people with eating disorders, but rather has voiced her displeasure with the fact that the industry demands new actresses be thin or develop an eating disorder. And she is pretty socially anxious, which is quite clear from how she, again, is very obviously afraid of making a fool of herself by giving poor answers to questions or embarrassing herself in some other way.

It's just astonishing to me that you focus so much on her words to the point where you will completely misconstrue them, and you absolutely do not give a rat's ass about her intent. If someone encourages tolerance, acceptance, kindness, charity, etc. then it is pretty fucked up to have some vendetta against them all because they suck at choosing their words. I'm sorry, but you don't seem like a very caring or understanding person if you are willing to hate someone for their minor flaw of having clumsy speech.

Just keep in mind that if you met her and you made your condition known, she would very likely try to make you feel better about it. She may embarrass herself and go about it in the wrong way, but at least she is trying, which is a hell of a lot more than most people do, and honestly, a lot more than you would deserve if this is your attitude toward people who try to help but don't quite know how to.

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