What has someone said to you that you can never forget?

I've got a list.

  • "You're just like [redacted]." Spoken by a precious family member suffering from a bout of depression. [redacted] was a person they dated for almost a decade who fled the country after I reported them physically harassing me.
  • "Take your glasses off, I don't want your grandmother knowing you can't see anything". Spoken to me non stop before being made to take them off by another family member during a family photoshoot when I was 7. I have extremely poor, near blind vision.
  • "Your brother was killed in a crash." A lie spoken to me by a bully. Knew I love him more than anything.
  • "I'm going to throw this out into the trash." A classmate before throwing it down the back of my shirt.
  • "You look uglier than the Chinese kid." A family member after I didn't wear a dress to a restaurant.
  • "She needs to be careful taking the bus at night." "Why? No one in their right mind would ever rape her." A precious (different) family member.

Somehow, this ended up being much more dreary than I thought it would be.

/r/AskReddit Thread