What is something you hate about your SO?

I hate how her driving habits takes after her aunt. She would tell me stories how her aunt would be so "bad ass" about driving unnecessarily fast (weaving traffic and driving too close), handling a tablet and phone while driving, etc. when she was younger. Makes me want to punch her and her aunt in the throat.

So currently I'm trying to just (hopefully) ween her off of the shitty driving by being the typical back seat driver. Oh, thank god cars nowadays do that annoying beep beep sound when seat belts aren't on. The amount of times I ask why is she stupid enough to not wear it as we start driving, and her answering "It's uncomfortable" again makes me doubt her as a person I'm with. I remember showing her a gif on Reddit that featured a car accident where the lady was playing with her phone and the car rolled over. I laughed, and she just said I was being mean. Like, really? You're going to sympathize with a bitch that may have killed someone because she used her phone? Good god. Yeah, I have issues with her driving.

/r/AskReddit Thread