What stereotype have you never actually seen be perpetuated?

I used to go to this rich kid private school. It was stupid because I certainly wasn't rich but my parents wanted me to get a good education so they made it work. Anyways, there was this Asian kid there, let's call him Nick. So Nick was litteraly the smartest person I've ever met to date. He was this short Asian kid who was good at school work and basket ball. EVERYTHING absolutely had to be a competition for him and be taken with the utmost seriousness or he simply would shut down and cry. He would just get so overwhelmed by the "chaos" of a casual basket ball game that he would lose it. Anyways this kid shows up at the beginning of week 2 and pulls out his math book. And it's done. All of it. This 500 page book full of problems was completely finished. In 2 weeks. And then he did it again with the class. His brother was 5 grades ahead of us and this Nick Asian kid would bring his brothers math book in and do math problems during recess. In P.E. he had to run the mile at last 30 seconds faster every week. And if he didn't he would litteraly break down and cry.

I remember one time he started crying and freaking out in class when we got our English tests back. This kid was losing his shit because he got a 98% on a test. He made the teacher regrade it and tried to make her do it a 3rd time insisting that she did something wrong. After school I remember his mom came to pick him up and was holding the test an inch from his face and screaming.

Now I was never the smartest kid but I knew how to play cards and bluff. And we had this club at school where we would play chess, poker, and other games. And I managed to beat this kid at poker. And he just sat back and didnt say anything for like 3 minutes, I got worries because I knew how he was. And suddenly this kid half my size flies across the table and starts trying to beat me up. I was a big kid so I quickly with one arm threw him off of me. Which made him even more upset because he wasn't better at fighting.

Long story short, smartest Asian Ive ever met. Also the most mentally broke.

(side note, his sister was in 4th grade and doing basic calculus. That's unnatural)

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent