What do you SWEAR you saw but have no proof of?

I ran into Morgan Freeman while wrangling my drunk mom out of a casino.

I played designated driver for her pretty often. And that day she called me wanting to be picked up from Sandia Casino. When I got there, she decided she didn't want to leave anymore, and I was trying to explain to her that I was going to work in an hour and wouldn't be able to swing by again. She didn't like that, and kept saying I could just skip work.

We were close to one of the entrances (thank god!) during this argument and had drawn a little bit of a crowd. I'd turned towards the door intending to just leave her to drunk shenanigans, and looked right at Morgan Freeman. He looked back, raised his eyebrows at the scene like "yikes", and then walked past us.

My mom does not remember this at all, and every time I claim to have been yikes'd by Morgan Freeman she just says I can't tell black people apart. I don't have any real proof besides this news story and this trip advisor review showing that Morgan Freeman was in that city, and has gone to that casino.

/r/AskReddit Thread