What do tech people spend salaries on?

First paycheck included my signing bonus. I paid rent and went ballin' on a Goldman Ballsachs ballin' 1.05% (now 1.2%) savings account interest with rest of the money. It turns out the signing bonus is just a loan with 33% of it paid to taxes with 100% of the liability until you stay with the company for 1 year for that liability to shrink away.

For what I usually spend money on, I'm looking at Personal Capital for this. Rent, then food, then personal training are my main costs. I'm taking my bulking and health very seriously which explains why my food costs are high. Then personal training takes up a lot too. One unexpected expense that's high is travel, a lot of plane tickets going to vacation and other events like graduation for me since I graduated early. As for what I spend normally on 'leisure', it's usually renting out a kayak or another boat, or some other outdoorsy thing because I live in Seattle and it's simply what you do here. So not that much going out as a single recent grad male but that's because I'm also trying to be financially independent. Basically, a lot of us 'spend' our money on stocks and real estate because there's really nowhere better to put our money knowing that materialism doesn't make you happy.

Now a few months back I was in a dark place in life. Boy that leisure money would've been a lot more had I chosen to partake in cocaine and high end escorts. Good thing I think with my frontal lobes and not my reptilian brain.

/r/cscareerquestions Thread