What was what I felt??

Congratulations, you have dissolved the forced cultural engineered illusion of what your life should be verse what you actually want out of your own life, don't get me wrong the bitch slap of truth the shrooms pull isn't pretty or fun but ultimately like most of the things in life it is worth it. Not sure if it's like this for everyone but the way ego death works for me is shit gets real introspective and deep then it becomes rocky and rough fears of life, death, the state of confusion I'm in but if I manage to get through that by letting go of my fear or whatever then I'll enter a state of mind where the ego is dissolved for a time, in this state, certain types of information in the mind or perhaps even subconscious mind could come to my attention and with out having my main self the ego driving my opinions and perceptions of said information, then i can view what i already know from completely different angles that I might never of been able to before, while this can be a great way of learning things about yourself and life it can also be a catch 22, you might not like certain things that can be looked at differently or aspects about yourself but I believe most of these truths are hard to address because of how truth they are, when I first found out that life didn't have any meaning but the meaning you give it, it made me lost and in a daze but I now see it as a huge relief off myself and how I can live my life the way I want it. I hope this helps and once again this is just what happens to me in my ego deaths but yeah it might be applicable to others as well.

/r/shrooms Thread