What do you wish everyone knew about TF2?

Spy checking! Specifically, too much time wasted on spy checking. All of these are provided there are no graphical/audio bugs. As of 12/11/2015: - Obviously, if you see yourself, that means the you that isn't you is an enemy spy. - If someone is firing their weapon (or "using" it, such as a medigun, lunchbox items, soldier's banners, demo's shield charges, or the BASE Jumper), they are exactly what the game is currently showing them to be. - If someone is taunting, they are exactly what the game is currently showing them to be. - Normal non-scout, non-spy melee weapons kill spies in two hits. HOWEVER if they are cloaked, it takes three. - If a spy produces a critical death scream for an explosive/non-crit/non-melee death, or a non-critical death noise from a crit (excluding explosives) or melee death, they are dead ringing. - If someone is marked for death, they are exactly what the game is currently showing them to be. Disguising while marked for death (via Fan O'War) removes the visual, although the spy still suffers minicrits. - Either team's player on the next chronological capture point, who isn't capping it is a disguised spy. - A spy who saps a building, even if disguised, makes a distinct "I am placing an object on something" gesture that can give him away, as the animation is hardly used by anything else in the game. - Disguised spy's weapons do not glow when minicrit or crit-boosted. This is mostly seen during humiliation, when the only non-glowing weapons will be (to my knowledge) the CM5K, disguised spy weapons, and the weapons of anyone who manages to spawn during humiliation. This last instance I've only experienced when someone has just entered the server, and all their weapons will still 100% crit (Again, except the CM5K). - A scout or medic running faster than 100% is not a spy. The only "maybe" is if they have speed particles. - Killing a spy with the Holy Mackerel/Unarmed Combat without the "FISH KILL"/"ARM KILL" in the killfeed means the spy is dead ringing. - A double or triple jumping scout is not a spy. - If a scout's Soda Popper is glowing purple, he is not a spy. - A soldier with a medical + above him, who did not run over a healing item, is not a spy, he simply is using the Black Box or the Concheror. - Anyone in close range of a banner-buffed soldier who is not receiving its effects is a spy. - As pyro, spies can be easy to track down. If you flame someone and a Vaccinator bubble appears above their head, they are an enemy spy using a Spycicle. - Even if a spy is fireproof and cloaked, you can track them. The flame particles produce a different sound when they are hitting someone, as well as slightly parting. Both of these indicate you are still hitting the spy. - Attempting to extinguish with the Manmelter and failing indicates either an enemy spy, or the person just dropped dead from afterburn. (Side note: Manmelter extinguishing takes more aim than airblast extinguishing) - Disguised spies are affected by airblast knockback. However they are immune to Scorch Shot and Loose Cannon knockback. - A dead ringing spy will give a demoman a head for their Eyelander/reskin. A fast enough demo can track the spy. - 7 stickies in one stack can kill a full-HP spy through his dead ring. - A demo with an exploded caber is not a spy. - A demo who gains a medical + above him on ammo pickups is using the Persian Persuader and is not a spy. - A revved heavy is not a spy. - A heavy throwing their food is not a spy. - Scoring a critical hit with the Holiday Punch on a disguised spy does not force a laugh; instead it does normal melee damage. - If an engineer is wielding a spy weapon, this is currently due to a bug and that engineer is an enemy spy. - I have only seen one instance of a spy disguised as an engineer who looked as though he was hauling a building. I'm assuming this was a bug of some kind. - An engineer with his Wrangler out, with his sentry pointed where he is looking, is most likely not a spy. - If your medic stops healing you I would at least take the half second to look around to make sure he wasn't just backstabbed, or killed by other methods. (It is also important to keep track of their HP while they are healing you) - The Crusader's Crossbow and the Huntsman make a "SPLORTCH" sound when hitting a disguised enemy spy. Additionally, there will be no healing text for the CC. The Huntsman sometimes does this for teammates but I'm assuming this is a bug. - A disguised spy won't give you 25% uber on hit with the Ubersaw. - The Amputator effect will not show on enemy disguised spies. - A fully charged headshot will kill an enemy spy regardless of whether they have the Dead Ringer out. The same applies to backstabs. - Using the Razorback, you will instantly zoom out upon being backstabbed. - A sniper using the Cozy Camper who has medical +s above him every second is not a spy. - If you see a potential spy who is a spy, look for certain weapons. If they are using the Big Earner or Conniver's Kunai, yet still have health relative to the normal 125 base, they are an enemy spy. - If a potential spy has overheal that doesn't decay, they are an enemy spy if they are not being pocketed. They can still potentially be a spy if they are being pocketed. - If a spy decloaks in the enemy team's color, he is an enemy spy. - If you see a spy with his cosmetics visible, he is not disguised. A spy disguising as an enemy spy will only be able to look like he has a disguise on to the enemy team. - If you see a lump of floating cosmetics move right past you toward the ground, a Your Eternal Reward/Wanga Prick spy just backstabbed someone right behind you. For now, cosmetics can be bugged to not immediately disappear with the corpse.

That's all I got for now. If there are changes/additions/removals to be made here I'd appreciate knowing. Some little factors still elude me, such as "Does Big Earner butterknifing a spy who dead rings, still grant its on-kill effects?"

/r/tf2 Thread