What would it take for you to believe Amber?

Too late , But some accountability and evidence of even a single incident that can fit her story during the trial would have had me believe her .

Aside her lack of evidence or a consistent story imo it is impossible for her to be believable for must of us because abusive men simply don’t react to being provoked the way JD did & being abused even emotionally by a narcissist you learn not to poke the bear .

Abusive men don’t run from fights to avoid escalating them , ask for space , or ask you to stop insulting them. They simply wack you.

If you listen the full tape of their audio conversation, not only does she admit to being the one who is physical , she has zero respect for his need for personal space , she is very much the aggressor & a narc, I have experienced those circular arguments that eventually leave you exhausted & beaten down . Thank God for the therapist who asked them to record their conversations. Without those tapes we wouldn’t have a peak into their relationship dynamic

/r/deppVheardtrial Thread