Since harassing Camille isn't enough, the Stanford professor says JD is a rapist wife beater. Then says oopsies..

Agreed. As a woman, I find that a lot of feminists like this individual don't actually want equality for women, they want to tell us what to do. They want to replace the patriarchy with their own matriarchy because they know what is good for us. They're every bit as odious as any man mansplaining stuff to you. Mommy knows best!

They're just as insulting, condescending and infantilizing toward woman as sexist men are. This particular type of feminist believes the only right way to be a woman is to be like them. They loathe the notion that equality means a lot of women are going to use their freedom to choose to live in ways you don't like, to have opinions you don't share, and generally be who they want to be. That's real equality and equity. And they do not want that.

I'm a very left leaning woman. I do not care for conservative ideas or culture - but if someone woman wants to live her conservative, Christian, SAHM fantasies....have at it. That's her right. I don't have to cut her down. Belittle her. Disparage her. For the life of me, I don't see how these women see knocking other women down as lifting women up.

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