What would he have to do for you to stop supporting him?

That's not the point of this post. I know we already disagree on these things and have read the refutations to them on this subreddit and on The Donald. For me, personally, a president admitting to grabbing women "by the pussy" or insulating Mexico is filled with rapists and drug dealers crossed a line. Being obsessed with his crowd size, forcing Spicer to lie about it. Then of course, there so this this poorly thought out, havoc-causing executive order. There's many more, but again, this isn't a CMV post. I know that his supporters do not feel the same way so there is no need to go into why, I've read many other posts on it. What I'm asking is to imagine for a minute... what if the liberals were right after all and this administration did start to cross into an authoritarian regime? What I'm genuinely curious is( as the point of this subreddit, no?) is what IS your line? What could he hypothetically do or say? You can frame even it as "I know DJT will never do this but if he did get to the point where they were arresting people for insulting him on Twitter.." etc Thank you again.

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