What is your opinion on romance with an age gap?

1.) ~6 years

2.) no

3.) 18 months biological, 16/17 years otherwise

4.) ~8 years i think?

5.) yes

6a.) i’d like the ship if not for the age gap, so yeah.

6b.) i guess that also depends how easily one party could take advantage of the other due to their circumstances, but if only by age then no.

7.) depends on how old the younger party is. at 20 i would not date a 17 year old but at 30 i imagine i’d feel comfortable dating a 25 year old.

8a.) yeah, cause it’s more about how much of your life you’ve lived/power dynamics than just the number. again 20 and 17? creepy. 30 and 25? both fully functional adults, providing other factors aren’t at play. i’d say once you hit 25 i’m not gonna question if you get into a relationship with someone significantly older, even if the age gap is crazy.

8b.) nope. a millionaire teenager is still a teenager. they’ve not had the experiences and perspectives of someone 3+ years older than them and are still susceptible to being taken advantage of by someone that much older.

/r/ILoveYoo Thread