What do your user stories look like?

Disclaimer - in my team the lead or whoever they delegated the epic to is responsible for creating tickets, including clarifying things with product, so the entire thing is handled by technical people.

The approach depends on what is being developed.

If it's a keystone thing or it's clear that there are multiple possible solution with no good winner, we do dig in deeper and if needed do a spike to further refine what our options are. For some things we do mini design docs.

If it's a generic feature where there might be some local decisions with not much relevance to architecture or soundness of the overall product, we typically leave it up to whoever implements - minor stuff will be caught in code reviews, and larger mistakes are not that common.

Apart from that we have a generic definition of done checklist - typically a subset of relevant points is listed with the task when the story gets written and we just skim through it during refinement to make sure nothing got omitted (especially if something new does come up during refinement).

/r/ExperiencedDevs Thread