Whatcha Playin' Wednesday - what are you playing and what are your thoughts? [April 12, 2017]

Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons: In 2016 I picked up LoZ: Oracle of Ages and Seasons when they were on sale on the eShop despite having physical cartridges for my GBA. I beat Oracle of Ages for the second time and it has really stood the test of time. Back in the day I never finished Oracle of Seasons for some reason (probably because I got it a few years after I played Oracle of Ages and when the DS came out). Now that I'm about halfway in, I think I prefer Ages. Seasons is fun, but is way way easier. Ages is focused on puzzles while Seasons has more action. I am still enjoying it a lot though. The 8-bit graphics will never get outdated, the gameplay is fast paced and simple.

Once I beat this I will have cleared my Wii U and 3DS backlogs. I have no clue what to play next. I think I am looking for something that is more along the lines of pick up and play, something very casual. I found a physical copy of Xenoblade 3DS, but I don't think I can handle a 100h game on the 3DS right now, so I'll probably trade it in for something else. I was thinking about getting Breath of the Wild Wii U, but that is also a huge time commitment. I have this thing where I can't leave a game unbeaten, so while I just want the experience of Breath of the Wild, I don't want to spend the next year stressing over finishing it. Thoughts?

/r/nintendo Thread