Whatcha Playing/Watching/Reading - 12 June, 2017

Um.. I think the game cheats. As I wrote earlier, you're award extra turns based on chance, but that chance increases with the agility skill, critical hits, and hitting enemy weaknesses. My agility is fairly high, and I have an auto-skill on one character that increases it quite a bit. I almost never get an extra turn, and the enemy, who have lower agility skills than I do, almost always get them. Tempted to note down how many they get versus me next fight. Their skills also cost less mana to use. Enemies can also just decide to guard - which pushing blows that would be fatal onto its team mates - in the middle of actions, which you cannot. Normally you have to decide which actions your entire team takes before any of them are executed, meaning you cannot guard while the blows are landing.

The difficulty also feels rather cheap at times. I'm at a mission where I have three fail criteria. Civilian dies, team dies, or demon reaches a certain point on the map. The civilians are controlled by the AI and seem to have little to no self-preservation instincts and don't move as far as they can, or go towards safety. They are also very squishy. Takes at most three attacks for one to die, and the demons go straight for them - one of them using 'demon speed' which increases the distance dramatically. Cheap and annoying, but something that I can at least deal with, if the enemies don't just run past me and attack them instead. The biggest issue is the exit points. Demons will just ignore you and go for it, and the map is not big, so you have very limited time to kill them. You can use a bind spell, but that requires you have that demon equipped and is within close proximity - plus those that have it at this point in the game, are not exactly great fighters to have on the team.

I don't know. Combat has potential, but, given all of this, it just gets frustrating. I don't mind losing when it feels earned, but I do mind when it's cheap or because the enemy cheats by granting itself special rules that nets a huge advantage. It would understandable if they were bosses, but these are just regular enemies.

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