Whats the best class atm ?

I apologize for the run on sentences in advance. People will trash on me for days when I say this but I truly believe that Kanna is one of the best classes in the game, mainly because she is so versatile. You get kishin that boosts the spawn rate on almost any map which makes you a much wanted party member so you will never have trouble getting into parties, you have a buff that permanently boosts your range by almost 50% which is often overlooked when people say kanna has low damage (her DPS is low but this buff makes up for it a bit unless you already have some crazy 2mil range), you will never use potions hardly ever also (maybe only in bossfights) because your mana system is different you get 100 max and it regens by 50 every 4s about, and for your health your haku heals you for 100% HP with a relatively low CD which activates once your HP is below a certain threshold,as well as gaining a bit of HP every time she kills a monster, makes her survivability amazing in boss fights where you have a CD on potion use. Also for bossfights you have 2 skills that stun bosses for 20s each with 2min CD on both meaning that you can have SOME bosses stunned for 40s/120s one third of the entire time, also you have one skill that puts up a barrier that gives 30% damage reduction on you, and another that gives 45% boss damage to everyone standing inside. Another amazing hyper skill is "Blackhearted Curse" which when toggled on, creates an aura that damages all monsters around you periodically In quite a good range, and this also goes through Damage reflect on bosses. It also makes questing a joke since whenever you have to grind for items you basically just go into the map, plop down kishin, put up blackhearted curse and proceed to run around and pick up items without even having to attack. Also your 4 map clearing skills help out a lot too. Last but not least kanna is also one of the fastest classes in the game because of her teleport which when used without a directional key, randomly teleports you to a spot on a map which makes traversing large maps a breeze, and even your teleport with directional keys is one of the furthest in the game, and has practically no vertical limit. If I really had to mention one downside to kanna I guess I would say that a kanna with 2mil range won't do as much damage as a DB with 2mil range. I could go on forever with how much I love kanna but all in all yeah, she is probably one of the most underrated classes in the game and maybe one of the best.

/r/Maplestory Thread