/u/FatSputnik explains why the concentration camps for migrants at the US border are a form of genocide

Jesus, we are calling this a genocide now? Like, yea the situation at the border is in deplorable conditions, but this is beyond the pale for inflammatory language.

throw all of the definitions at me, and while they may meet the definitions technically, thats not what you mean when you say genocide. It is intentionally inflammatory language designed to call to mind the Jewish nazi genocide, holodomor, and the Armenian genocide.

It shuts down any conversation, because anyone who objects to this inflammatory language is labeled a nazi genocide apologist, and the public will not take this discourse seriously. In one corner, there are people trying to minimize the border situation, another is screeching inflammatory language like genocide and concentration camp knowing full well that the implicated messages don't align with reality, and then there are people treating asylum seekers as subhuman trash.

We have reached rock bottom in discourse, and this is the thump of the floor. are the racist remarks okay? no, but this is just as bad. you are trivializing the fucking holocaust, where 6 million died, a literal culture exterminated, blatant, intentional, fully legal, and sanctioned by the people. how is this NOT antisemitic?

/r/bestof Thread Link - np.reddit.com