Whats a big industry secret that isn't supposed to be known by the general public?

I'm honestly offended at the sheer number of assertions you've made about how I determined that MSG was the cause of my issue, and whether the process was "scientific", especially within the context of how little you know about this particular topic

Sorry! I meant no harm. I will admit, I'm biased because of the number of "gluten intolerant"etc. people who really are no such thing. I know people with celiac, and seeing people spontaneously decide they're intolerant of something has soured me on the concept, especially since it can be a real thing -- it bothers me when people pretend, and that in turn makes me cynical of things that seem (at first blush) to be similar.

So I will happily admit that the failing is mine, and ask that you forgive my presumptions.

Regarding your intolerance: obviously you will do as you wish, but I'd hate to think that you're avoiding something that is a) ubiquitous in many modern products b) that you might not need to. Ultimately what you do is up to you, I was merely offering a suggestion that might improve your QoL, and that could be done without too much hassle. And hey, if it doesn't, that's valuable data too. I mean, papers that show a negative are kinda low impact, but for an individual they may have some value.

I'll admit, I am looking at this very analytically, but that's always been a trait of mine. It's why I used to work in software (and now work in the mechanical trades, which is similarly analytical.)

I do agree with you though that people should be skeptical of more diet claims than they are. Ain't nobody losing 30 pounds from a juice cleanse unless it comes with a coupon for liposuction (and even then, 30 pounds is a lot for even a couple sessions... maybe it'll come with a gym membership.)

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