What's the craziest black out drunk experience you've ever been told you've done?

Oh I and friends have a fair few drunk stories between us.

Most fitting is probably a girl I knew was seeing this guy, awesome couple, and it was his birthday.

He was having a houseparty at his halls (dorm for the Usa). I brought a bottle of rum as a gift fully realising I would probably drink a decent bit of it myself and it would be gone by the end of the night.

I get there and start chatting to a guy outside while waiting to be let in. We get in say happy birthday and I hand over the rum.

Birthday boy has these huge clear plastic cups. Pours half of the bottle in one and half in the other, tops them off with coke and hands them to me and the other dude.

We start drinking.

Last thing I remember for a while is finishing it and going and getting a beer.

I have a hazy memory of my shirt being off at some point. Apparently it was part of a drinking game,though I'm not sure how I survived even more drinking.

Next thing I know I'm in the middle of a conversation with a random very attractive blonde girl and have no idea who she is, or what we're talking about. Somehow I continue talking and somehow we start making out.

Suddenly the fucking fire alarm goes off and we make our way outside to four fire engines and angry people. Apparently some idiot decided to smoke inside. Obviously the party was broken up pretty quickly.

It turned out this girl I was with wasn't at the party and was just staying with a friend in the halls. Said friend saw us outside and dragged her friend off back to her room and I got the bus back home.

Don't suppose anyone wants to hear about how I ended sleeping on a doorstep in a tuxedo or how a silly idea like swimming in a pond in winter in London came to me?

/r/AskReddit Thread