What's something you don't mind about having your period?

Say what you will about your period, but crippling dysphoria over not having them is so much worse. I’m AMAB trans, so I unfortunately don’t have the required parts for menstruation. I keep hearing from AFAB people that “You’re so lucky to not have to deal with periods.” They’re wrong.

Not having a female reproductive system is my biggest source of dysphoria, and menstruation is a major part of having those parts. Unlike your period, I have to deal with severe period dysphoria every single day. It’s not uncommon for me to consider suicide just to end the dysphoria. I’ve even made a few (failed, obviously) attempts.

I can’t really relate to girls on their period because I don’t get them. It’s a comparatively small issue, but it’s there nonetheless.

I can’t carry my future kid(s) to term.

But the worst part is this: I feel as if my identity is somehow invalidated because I can’t get periods. I don’t feel like I can ever truly be a “real” woman (whatever that definition is) because I don’t have all of the equipment.

I would gladly choose cramps, hormone fluctuations, and bleeding a quarter of the time over crippling dysphoria 100% of the time. Hell, I would gladly accept period symptoms 100% of the time over dysphoria without a moment of hesitation.

I know it doesn’t really address the question, but I just wanted to put that into perspective for all of you cis girls. Your period may hurt, but remember: it could be a whole lot worse.

/r/AskTeenGirls Thread