Y’all musical people! What’s your instrument and genre of choice?

Damn I'm sorry, but yeah I totally understand. Minecraft is always a go to, cause it's great for all levels of gamers just to have fun imo. Never played skyrim cause i just never bought it but people always tell me it's good. I occasionally play starcraft if you're familiar with that game, mostly cause my dad and his brothers practically raised me on it lol. Recently haven't played much of anything just cause I've been so busy but oh well.

Yeah I'm working on finishing my 4 year. Also you can catch some really nice views out there. Biking along water or just in the woods is always good, and watching the sun rise on a mountain top is unforgettable. Tbh I've probably doxed myself more than it's worth on a public thread, but you're pretty interesting and I'd be down to keep up a conversation! Do you have discord/maybe move just to pms if you're down?

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