What's the strongest opinion you hold?

Abortion being legal kills a lot of minority children, and that's a stone cold fact. Even taking that aspect away and wanting to get more deep like I'm saying a chance at life is better than not having one at all. Who knows if there's a god or anything like that at all, so more than likely you only get one chance at actually being a high functioning lifeform, and most people take this away because their scared that it might inconvenience their life in some way. I mean it's justified all the time that adoption or foster care might be shitty and that is definitely a probability but after that shitty childhood it's all up to the child if they have a shitty rest of their life or not. And here's the ting also, every person I know who's considered abortion that went on to have their child, that child is the best part of their life. It was always I don't want to have a kid with them, or having a kid will make my life so hard and every single one of them that had the kid anyway look at it as the best decision in their life. Overpopulation is bullshit anyway, I mean we're both on Reddit so we know the whole population of the world can exist in Texas and still be fully functional. And that's a shit reason also to justify abortion, there are only 2 as I've said 1) It would harm the mother or 2) The baby would be born with a horrible illness and even then it's debatable.

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