Whats up with all those Apple references on paper girls? Brian K. certainly got a good chunk of money for the merchandise

I don't think it's a product placement. I'm pretty sure it's a hybrid Biblical Reference (The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Apple. Etc.) as well as a "Wacky technology of the future" type thing. I mean, my personal favorite is Grand Father's "Apple Eye Phone."

I mean. Mac's very name is arguably an Apple Reference (And I'm to this day upset that only a slight reference was made to it when they saw Charlotte's "iMac" - "It's so orange...." said the redhead)

It would be more gaudy if it was an intended Apple Product Placement. They tend to be more "In your face" "stares directly into the camera" about it. Think the Coke Placements in Stranger Things "New Coke? Aw man! How can you drink that stuff!" "Haha. Hey, man, I think it tastes better." Identify the product by name, express it's high quality, etc. Typically paid product placements don't just get vague symbolic references.

As for the Amazon Series, to be honest, I'm interested to see how that plays out. My Nickle says "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil" referential stuff remains, but I highly doubt "Apple Products" or explicit cases of the Apple Logo (The thing on the hill in Vol 3) are going to make it through.

I can't see Amazon giving free press to a competitor. If anything, I'm afraid they'll replace all the vague Apple Imagery with weird, 'stares directly into the camera' Apple References. Granted, Prime Video has avoided that so far. Tales from The Loop (Which I see as a canary in the coal mine for Paper Girls) didn't reference Amazon, like, at all. So I'm hoping it's classy.

/r/papergirls Thread Link - i.redd.it