So, does sensory processing ever mess with you trying to play video games?

I love all kinds of video games but I literally have to turn off the music to be able to play. If it's on, I get overloaded instantly and have to disable music or stop playing. The music blends in with sound effects and voices and I just can't separate any of it for processing. If a game doesn't let me turn off the music, I'll just play with the entire game muted.

Also any game where there's a lot of different audio sources in a short time makes me unable to talk or focus. As an example, I shut down in Overwatch when everyone uses their Ultimate in short succession. Let's say Pharah and Soldier 76 use their Ultimates. Instead of hearing the lines "Justice rains from above!" and "I've got you in my sights!" separately, I will hear Pharah and Soldier saying something like "JUSTIVEGOTRAINMYSIGHTSFROMABOVE" and it's just too much.

I'm not sure if this is sensory processing exactly, but Motion Blur and low Field of View prevent me from playing too. I get really immersed in games so blur and low FoV make me feel like my eyes aren't working right.

/r/aspergirls Thread