When's the best time to rotate in Solo lane?


Being that I am amoung the best solo laners on Smite (Xbox) which I can list on my hand I will tell you this.

Solo Lane is all about "Timing" when to do things and knowing the "Timing" of the other solo laner.

Before I go on, I don't care who is in Masters on Xbox. I have played a bunch of people in scrims that play solo and alot of them are not as good as they think they are. You have to keep in mind people are not in Masters because they are the best at their role, they are in Masters because they shit on kids playing multiple roles and are usually dou Quing with someone as good as them or better.

I have scrimmed against Masters solo laners, Pro Solo Laners and randoms. Out of every solo laner on Xbox the ones that gave me problems to where I thought "Damn this person is good at solo" I can list on my hand.

Everyone else who plays solo is just "I guess they can keep up" or "Cool I win like usual"

I have to wait to S3 before I can grind to masters because of alot of reasons, one reason being that my role call button has been broke forever and I can never get solo because I cannot call it, thus I'm always playing something like carry which I am bad at.

Just wanted to point that out about a Master player. Its annoying because I shit on alot of Master solo's and someone thinks I am not better than them in solo until I shit on them. Getting to Masters is a league "Thing" not a "role" thing.

You won't find anyone on Xbox One who can say they have ever shit on my in solo lane within the past 5 months. You can find about two people who have made me lose the game, you can't find one who has ever shit on my yet, but when one does I will gladly let you know.

Likewise there are a handfull of solo players who I know don't get shit on easy either. I am simply pointing out how good I am solo so you can basically KNOW your taking advice form someone who hardly ever loses the lane.

I screen shot all the scrims I play in solo, just to keep up with who I win against :)

The real reason I beat so many solo laners, is because of the "Timing". Even if they know how to lane, they simply don't know the "Timing" of everything else, like team fights and rotations.

Its not the rotation itself that makes you good in solo, because alot of solo laners lose to me by rotating at the wrong time, its the "Timing" of that rotation they try to do.

In fact, I would say alot of my wins in solo lane are due to the enemy laner trying to rotate for a play and not getting anything out of it, or giving me too much out of their rotation.

There are a handful of people on Xbox One that play solo who I know are good and I respect if I see them I'll know I have to try. However alot of the master players and other people who think they are good in solo are not as good as they think they are. I'd say like 3-4 people in Masters are as good as they think they are in solo, everyone else are simply already in Masters and switch to playing solo thinking they are better becasue they hold the title "Masters" thats why I love shitting on them so hard because they get pissed losing to someone who they never herd of (becasue I haven't grinded league much).

Now about the "Timing"

Solo lane is about a few things. "Timing", "Trickery".

The timing has to deal with when you choose to back, rotate, use abilities and pop potions or use actives like teleport.

Trickery is how you play in lane against Gods trying to counter pick you.

Let me explain the trickery part first with a good example.

My team scrimmed a team earlier.

I played Bellona solo and the enemy team played Sobek solo to counter my Bludgeon in lane. The entire purpose of their Sobek was to purely counter me by using Sobek's knockback every time I try to Bludgeon.

Now most Master players who claim to be good at solo would get shit on by Sobek's knock back and would probably force themselves into using her whip instead to heal off minions and clear that way.

But if you do some "Trickery" bull shit you can mind game almost any god in the game with the right play style.

Because I am smart, what I did, was I went to Sobek's archer minions, I went behind them. I auto attack from behind the archer minions purposely becasue it defeats Sobek's counter.

He can no longer clear the wave because he is staying near me waiting for me to Bludgeon which I will not use until he leaves, and if he leaves to clear the wave then I can freely use Bludgeon since he is clearing the wave.

That is what I mean by "trickery" and mind games which you here people talking about on PC, ect.

Most people do not have that mindset in solo, even the some of the master players who are ranked very high. I am not taking anything away from those Master players, but most of them get to Masters because they can play multiple roles, not simply becasue they are the best solo ever, ect. Lots of them get to Masters playing someone like Carry then get on a team, switch to solo lane and expect to shit on everyone because they are a Master, what they fail to realize is they are not a Master solo laner, they re simply a MASTER player who got to masters in league.

It would be no different than Weak3n being in Masters by playing Jungle, then switching to support thinking he is the best support NA because he got to Masters by jungling. Your master rank does not prove you to be good in that role, it only proves you got to Masters.

Now "Timing" is what most solo laners fail so bad at, even the very good solo laners who can never lose lane are BAD at "timing" in Smite playing solo.

For example: I play against people in scrims who are in Masters and a few of them will not lose lane against me, we will have both our towers up, however they have horrible "Timing" with rotations and then I usually win off of that.

Solo lane is not hard to play, but being a good solo laner outside of the laning phase it was makes you a good solo laner. That is where people got it fucked up, they think they are good solo laners because they can take a tower or not lose laning phase. They fail to see the big picture that one tower doesn't make or break the game as much as they think.

I will explain.

I see alot of solo laners on twitch who are in masters backing to base while a minion wave is pushing their tower. Instead of killing the minions for the XP, backing then using TP to get back in lane, they instead LOSE GOLD on the back, then TP back and try to get the minions.

Other people have horrible backing times where they back as a wave is about to come through their tower and will TP back and lose 1-2 minions off of it. If your playing solo you got to back ASAP once the wave is cleared and you never back in the lane where you can be seen.

Timing of rotations is by far what makes me win most my solo match ups against almost everyone on Xbox when I'm playing with my team (because in leagues I can win solo but lose due to 2-3 people camping my lane)

You rotate ASAP after you clear the wave, as fast as you can, once the wave is cleared you start running into the jungle towards mid lane about half way, if there is nothing to gank you go back to lane, if there is something to gank you get a gank and by time you get back to tower you only lose a few minions but got massive pressure on mid lane and their solo cannot react because they have to clear wave still or its too late.

Also people got it messed up!!!

The #1 TIP that is a MYTH is that your suppose to rotate when the enemy solo laner does!!!

That is false!!!

I win tons of match ups due to this, I practically won almost every solo lane scrim game because of this very reason by itself.

The solo laner that is facing me will rotate to lets say Mid or Gold Fury. If your team does NOT need help, there is NO reason to rotate as they can even handle an extra person while you get a free tower.

You only rotate if you feel that enemy rotation is going to get an objective or alot of kills. If you can clearly see your team is WINNING a fight over there prior or even during the rotation, it is clear you do not have to rotate as they are WINNING.

That gives you a free tower and their solo laner lost a bunch of farm, and you will be ahead.

That is how you also get ahead in solo lane is by their failure rotations because people lose farm on bad rotations.

When my solo laner goes to rotate mid, my team knows about it prior to him rotating and I let them know he is coming, I also "Ask" my team to play passive and not die because I will get a free tower off of it then rotate.

My team will play passive, I will get a tower then I rotate and their team got NOTHING out of it.

The only time I will rotate with the enemy solo laner is if I KNOW my team will lose the fight becasue of that rotation, or I KNOW he is going to get kills.

If I see my team on FULL HP and know my team made someone back or they are just freezing gold fury and not really fighting it, I don't rotate.

Typically the solo laners I face never rotate anyways because I am usually beating their ass, however against the handfull of people that get on my nerves and actually are good enough to take time to rotate when we are even, I usually don't have to rotate because my team can handle him playing passive or by simply being ahead.

Sometimes my team is so far ahead that even having a 4v5 they don't need my help which is why I choose to get a free tower then TP over.

/r/Smite Thread