When's the best time to rotate in Solo lane?

PART 2 ^ Combined with above

The other reason people fail at solo lane is because of TP.

They TP over to GF at the wrong times, you only TP to gold fury if you know your tower is safe and know your going to get the GF. People typically fail and TP to GF, get nothing and lose lane because of it.

You also want to Back, then go to GF and use TP only to get back to solo lane. That is the big mistake, people use TP to go from solo to GF instead of going from GF to solo.

If you use TP from solo you have no way to defend your lane if you don't get GF

If you hold TP and go GF you can always TP back to solo if it needs help.

Last but not least, people do not understand the real solo lane God pool in season 2.

People dick ride Bellona/Solbek/Osiris way to much, more than they have to.

They think nobody else can carry as hard or win as easy ect, but that is simply a myth made up by being a top pick.

Just because someone got Solobek doesn't mean you have to get Bellona, and just because someone got Bellona doesn't mean your forced to pick Osiris.

Out of those 3 I like Osiris the best and do not even really favor Bellona, although I will play her in scrims when I have to.

Why I favor someone like Osiris is because I cannot be knocked out of abilities where Bellona can be somewhat counter picked/played against during her Bludgeon.

On top of that, there are some match ups where someone like Cabrakan is stronger, and someone like a certain Mage will wreck face.

If you play Smite there is only one way to know how good you are at the role you main, that is to face other players who claim to be the best or are in Masters.

I have played a bunch of masters players, some pros and people who claim to be the best. I don't recall ever getting shit stomped by any of them. I recall me losing to a few before and losing my tower before to a few.

The difference is, those people I can count on my hands, and because I can count those good solo players on my hands means typically I am not getting beat in lane against anyone, no matter if they are masters or claim to be the best.

Scrimming is also a better indication of where you stand against someone, when you have a real team and are going against someone's full team. League means nothing if your trying to play against actual teams. Sure league can give you bonus points, but its far from factual in terms of a particular role as leagues your forced to play multiple roles and when playing for something like the SWC your scrimming teams playing ONE role you are good at.

So I base myself off of who I played against and who I beat and who I lose to.

I screen shot almost all of my scrims just so I can understand the picks and who I beat and who I have to watch out for.

I'll probably grind my way to Masters in Season 3 once my new controller comes in so I can actually call my damn roll in leagues, however I can't really do that while my controller is broken because I haven't played solo in leagues in forever because of it and its costing me games because I suck at other roles like Carry, on top of having trolls building dumb shit on my team and AFKing during the matches.

So my plans are, I will probably grind to Masters just so I have the tile so nobody can say annoying stuff about me being in Diamond but claiming to be one of the best solo's.

I'm staying on my team for now since we beat almost every scrim, unless we break up I might just find a new team.

Then I'll probably start steaming games, so people can see the troll shit I do in solo to win.

As for now I don't care about being a random in diamond league, as long as I shit on kids in solo lane during scrims and every match, doesn't really prove anything. Me not being in Masters proves I'm not in Masters, it doesn't prove a Master player can beat me in solo unless they actually do it.

Just remember before I get to Masters in season 3 and possibly on a pro team in the future, I said this shit while I was in daimond.


The way to beat solo is "Timing" and "Trickery" aka mind gaming.

And solo lane is not just about a tower, its what you do outside of your tower being taken or theirs being taken, its more than just sitting in a lane, even when you rotate you need to keep track of your farm.

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