Where does the anti-russian sentiment comes from? What russia/Putin did that was so bad to call for all this targeted hatred?

What does the age of my account have to do with anything?

Think outside the box. Why did this start? How many years has Putin said that Ukraine needs to remain neutral? How many times has Putin warned against NATO eastward expansion?

Why did this war start? I blame the US, for repeatedly pushing NATO eastward agenda, despite many NATO nations not wanting Ukraine to be a part of NATO due to corruption (Germany).

Why did this war start? I blame Zelensky. He should've known the potential consequences for a country that neighbours a superpower (Russia) to be a part of NATO. He didn't see it, and now his people are suffering.

I don't play any sides, but I think the rhetoric of merely blaming one side is, for a lack of better word - stupid, basic, sheep, and simple.

Think about it this way - if Canada suddenly declared it wanted to be a part of the Russia, China, and Iran alliance, would USA invade and do what Russia is doing? I guarantee they would.

Think outside the box. I pray for everyone in the war. Ukrainian civilians are brave. But so are the 6,000 Russian troops. Peace to all.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent