Where does this new wave of modern mysticism surrounding crystals come from?

You say that other rays are measurable, but they weren’t measurable until we developed an instrument to measure them. The lack of an instrument to measure something doesn’t automatically prove it’s not there; you can’t prove a negative.

Do you have any interest in quantum physics? I have a layman’s interest, and one thing I hear over and over is that “things get weird” the smaller you go. The fact that matter is actually made up of energy is…just nuts.

We barely understand energy at the quantum level at all, so it seems premature to write off forever the possibility that rocks could emit something. Not currently measurable, not replicable, and maybe it never will be. But I would reserve judgment, to an extent. Assuming we know everything there is to know is just silly.

I know most “Crystal practitioners” aren’t thinking about quantum physics. I’m just saying, keep in mind that “things get weird”.

I myself? Enjoy thinking about the possibilities of “energies,” and pick different rocks to “hang out with” on different days, solely based on my intuition. My work with the “metaphysical” is for myself. There are people who do it for a living whose work resonates with me, so I interact with their work regularly. I’ve learned a lot about myself, and gained a lot of comfort from it.

Is it scientific? Not by modern standards. Do I need it to be? No. Do I use it in place of scientifically proven things like vaccines? Hell no. I see them as two entirely different things.

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