Which fictional character should NOT have "got the girl/guy?"

Or the fact that throughout the books, Ron has been a loyal and steadfast friend?

In book 4, he spends half the book moping about Harry being in the Triwizard Tournament. In spite of the fact his best friend has sworn up and down that he didn't do anything AND the fact that the rest of the school has turned on him, Ron doesn't "forgive" him until the first challenge.

He also abandons them in book 7. For an even weaker reason.

And that sets aside the fact that he is absolutely NASTY to Hermione. She is flawed (she attacks him, on more than one occasion, as I recall), but he's constantly a dick to her in much worse ways. He constantly gets in minor spats with her over her refusing to do his homework, is a jealous prick on multiple occasions, has a long stretch where he is pissed at her because of SCABBERS apparently being killed (a rat he outright despised) and is generally an ass.

Don't get me wrong, I like Ron. But he and Hermione get along about as well as a gas lamp in a firework's shed. They are both friends with Harry—but the two of them almost never have a direct healthy interaction in the series outside of life or death moments. They just outright do not get along.

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