Which frequency ranges can copper attenuate? • r/Physics

On September 9, 2018, I asked in /r/physics:

Which frequency ranges can copper attenuate?

/u/rrab and I have debated in /r/electromagnetics and /r/targetedenergyweapons the frequency range copper can attenuate. I submitted manufacturers' specifications and scientific papers which are archived in the copper wiki.


Based on my research, copper can attenuate microwaves but not extremely low frequency (ELF), millimeter, ultra wideband radar and ground penetrating radar.

/u/rrab believes copper can attenuate all of the above. /u/rrab refuses to cite sources and submit a shielding report.

Which frequencies can copper attenuate?

I asked the mods to approve my post. They did. Within 2 days, my post was removed. I asked why. The mods did not answer.

/r/Electromagnetics Thread Link - reddit.com