I had a research chemical manufactured that was in stage 1 and 2 clinical trials back in the day, it may give you brain cancer, but its like a steroid for nerve, synapse, dendrite growth, CA1 region hippocampal density and brain health, and i'm pretty sure it does a lot more than that localized area. I've taken it only as I thought I needed, in much smaller amounts over a longer time than was used in the studies, with a different variation of the chemical and it has worked well.

Its primary studied effect is that of an anti-depressant. It can help with long term memory, all kinds of stuff. If you want more help and cannot get a combination anti-depressant from your doctor to take for a couple months then you can message me. In the meantime I recommend you try drinking filtered reverse osmosis or de-ionized water with no fluoride, and get the magnesium and calcium as well as the other necessary daily vitamins and oils another way. Most bottled water is junk, others are good for some people's biochemistry and not others (Fiji is the worst), etc. It can also help to get out and exercise twice a week, get sun on your face, and get into some debates online, learn a lot, and try to go out and be productive.

I don't know what you do or don't do, what makes you you, how you live, etc, but if you need further advice or if this is old news to you then let me know here. There may have been a point in time that your condition was perfectly normal for society, or even somewhere else in the world, but if you don't fit into the modern high-density sprawl it may not be your fault.

The experimental chemical might be quite literally the stem cell approach you do not like btw. Thats how it works.

/r/Electromagnetics Thread