On August 17 - 18, posts were quickly removed from the front page of new of /r/programming and /r/sysadmin

On 8/17/2015, I submitted a post on male programmers at risk of ALS and a post on Intel employees dying from ALS in /r/pgrogramming. They were immediately downvoted to zero by a downvote brigade and remained at zero By early next morning, both posts had been removed from the front page of new. I asked the mods of /r/programming why. No response. The next day, I submitted a post on IBM workers risk of ALS. Post was removed from the front page of new the same day.

On 8/18/2015, I deleted the removed posts. Reddit should indicate on posts that it had been removed from the front page. Whereas, trolls reading my submission history cannot differentiate between posts that remained on the front page and posts that had been removed. They see the identical post reposted in another subreddit. They accuse me of spamming. Whereas, I was forced to repost due to censorship.

Reddit should prohibit commenting in posts that have been removed from the front page. Trolls read my submission history and make discrediting comments without realizing that the post had been removed. I do not want to waste my time replying in removed posts. The trolls complain I did not reply. Other trolls discredit without realizing the post had been removed. When I advise them the post had been removed, they continue trolling.

Merely deleting removed posts does not suffice. Trolls review my comment history and reply to comments in removed posts that had been removed. Reddit should prohibit commenting in removed posts.

Thus, I am forced to delete my comments. Trolls continue to comment in removed deleted posts. Reddit should prohibit commenting in deleted posts, especially deleted and removed posts. I notify them the post had been deleted and request they stop commenting and referring to the post. They continue commenting and willfully violate redditquette. Mods refuse to enforce redditquette.

Trolls aim to waste my time commenting in removed and deleted posts that only they know exist. Removed posts in /r/programming are not brought up using /r/programming's search engine. Ditto with /r/sysadmin's search engine. Additional censorship of ALS.

I submitted the posts in /r/sysadmin. The posts were removed the same day.

/r/Electromagnetics Thread