While the rest of us are looking forward to celebrating Ukraine's imminent victory, this British academic is arguing that Ukraine will descend into civil war. What do you all think of this nonsense?

From what little I read that man has a point. The longer the war goes on, the higher the chance some people start to make mistakes/question some decisions made. As long as Russia is their common foe, Ukraine should be fine and keep attacking Russia.

The second Russia leaves though?

People are going to hold who they believe are responsible for this mess accountable. If a man who used to praise Russia survives the war and may have been suspected in the past to give information to Russia, heads are going to roll.

Civil war is not inevitable, but it is a real possibility. I don't think Ukraine will go this way, but with the considerable damages done, all the weapons at their dispososal and the tragedy and resulting trauma each Ukrainian will have the risk cannot be ignored.

/r/ukraine Thread Link - twitter.com