White Mage Tooltips from Susano Fight

Your questions don't matter, because your argument was WHM was mandatory. It wasn't. I proved that out. I don't have to prove out how many ASTs were brought to what, because popularity in Gordias and Midas is irrelevant in the same way that MCH being supremely underplayed in Gordias has nothing to do with where MCH ended HW. The jobs changed, got better, and sitting still made WHM fall behind.

You have to be confused, because you're now basically making my argument for me:

WHM literally didn't change, all that's changed is the healing requirement doesn't need them anymore.

Correct. WHM didn't change. AST changed dramatically over the course of HW, and is getting further boosts going into SB. AST's healing was sufficient before, and now the Literally Everything Else have them in demand. Having to work around missing Cure3 is a shitload more appealing when 20% Balance its in the mix. WHM stagnated and did not grow, meaning they are now in a relative weaker spot.

That's like.... the entire point.

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