Who is the target audience for apologetics?

This is what I don't want for you, more than anything in the world. Eternal punishment aside, If God is the source of all goodness and created order, then eternal separation from Him would mean to be without hope, goodness, order, light, harmony, peace, joy etc... For eternity.

If. I do not believe that for a moment that god is the source of all goodness.

Hear philosopher of science, Stephen C. Meyer discuss how we can logically arrive here

I would rather convert back to Christianity right now than listen to anything by Meyer.

As Romans 1:20 says: "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, being understood by what has been made, so that they are without excuse."

This is a letter written by a church leader with an agenda. It is evidence of nothing to me other than the opinions of the author.

I'm curious how you might wish God had / would assert His authority claim otherwise?

More clarity. If the bible were clear, there would be far more consensus. Who do I believe? I do not want to base my life on a book written over 2 millennia ago by unknown authors the contents of which cannot even be agreed upon by it's own adherents.

On theism, God has written His law on the hearts of man. We know right from wrong because He is the author of such things which are bound objectively to His character as the standard by which all else accords.


Ultimately, I do not feel it is your responsibility to believe in God. Nor do I feel it is my job to make you believe. All I can do is reason with you as to why I believe. I feel the evidence is overwhelmingly strong, and I'm always happy to answer anyone's questions and challenges regarding the faith I have. I don't have any malicious intent in doing so, and I don't spend my time doing so for my own entertainment.

I am happy that you have such faith and a worldview that makes sense to you! I understand why you believe.

I think if you were to truly look at the accounts about Jesus from secular sources and within the scriptures, you would find that to fabricate such a legend would be an awfully strange thing to do. You must ask why would someone make this character up as the promised Messiah? What would they stand to gain from doing so? Early christians were massively persecuted and ostracized by their own communities. They were beaten, tortured, shunned, and made to be the joke of society... seen as fools. They had to live in fear & exile, and gained no popularity, status, wealth, sexual prowess, or power.

Good points all. I will convert back to Christianity.

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