Who was your first kiss and what happened?

Alright alright. So it started at a frat party where he was trying to dance with a girl and not quite succeeding and we made awkward eye contact until finally we said hi. Then we talked about random stuff for a while and sat on a couch where he suddenly whipped his head around and gave me a soul-sucking kiss. We took a drunk bus back to my dorm and shirts came off. I notice at one point that he has red hair. "Oh you're a ginger." Whatever. Then he's lying on top of me and says "I have a condom in my wallet" so naturally I turn into a limp, dead fish and tell him I "can't do that right now sorry." He eventually leaves and the next afternoon, HE texts ME. We have some nice chitchat about how we should do it again and it was fun bla bla bla. The conversation ends. Later that same evening, he texts me, "hey I just want to be clear on what you think is between us." So I respond with "...what do you think is between us?" He goes, "I don't know but I don't want a relationship." Okay so guys, if you hookup with a girl and don't want a relationship, you can show that in ways without leading her and still without blatantly saying it. So I got annoyed and we talked for a while and suddenly he gets all "I'm not the kind of guy you want, I'll only end up hurting you." Dude, you're a scrawny ginger majoring in physics. You aren't a player. Then, during our text bickering, he hit me with, "I can't do this. My two friend from high school just died in a plane crash." Okay... Remain calm... I give him my condolences and offer to talk to him about it. He responds with, "I just can't do this." I wasn't asking you to do anything but alright. He ignored my Facebook request and made it so I couldn't send another. Whatever. I text him a week later asking if he wants to grab something to eat and talk about his week. No answer. About a month later, he sends me a Facebook request. I accept. A couple weeks later, I'm telling this story to one of my home friends and I go to pull up his Facebook to show him to her. BLOCKED. Can't even find his profile.

/r/teenagers Thread