Who was your worst teacher and Why?

This will get buried, but my junior year of high school, my Honors English teacher (who was also the program director for the school newspaper I was an editor for) was an absolute piece of human garbage. My brother had him two years before for HE and newspaper and warned me that he formed irrational distaste for those he perceived as "popular" kids. My brother wasn't necessarily popular, just a smart kid who happened to be athletic and not hated by many people. But I had also heard this teacher took a liking to girls, and would go on "walks" with them to mentor them and see how they were doing, so I felt like I may not have it so bad. Well, sure enough, he's not so bad at the beginning of the school year. And sure enough, he's always asking the cute junior and senior girls to go on walks with him and talk about the paper and articles and whatnot. He asked me to go on a walk one day, which I did, and he proceeds to ask me personal questions like who I am dating, who do I hang out with, and the like. It may have very well been small talk, but I was an awkward teen so I just kinda gave him the, "Uh, I dunno," responses and made it clear I wanted to go back to class. After that day, everything changed. There was a slow progression to him grading my papers unfairly, singling me out in class discussions, and eventually kicking me out of being the editor for no reason. I grew up in a very conservative community and I wrote an opinion piece on how difficult it was to be an atheist in an overwhelmingly Christian community. The article was picked up by the local paper, several other regional periodicals and I was invited to numerous youth groups and churches as a guest speaker. This seemed to upset him, so just after, in Honors English (completely unrelated to newspaper) he decided we should have a class discussion on religion. He knew I was the only atheist in class (as I had expressed in my article) so he asked the class to turn their desks to face the left of the room if they believed in God, and to the right if they didn't. So of course, I was the only one facing the right, and I received 50 minutes worth of religious argument and belittling from my classmates (who were instructed to debate, so I don't blame them). This is public school, mind you. Then I was kicked out of the paper on the second and last "walk" I was invited on and simply told, "You won't be the editor next year." I asked why and he said, "You're not good at it." I spent hours after school every night in that room making the paper perfect. On my final project for HE, he gave me the lowest possible score he could have given without failing me. I turned the same exact project in the next year as my senior project, and it received a perfect grade and was used as an example of how to do a senior project for following years. He told my best friend (also in HE and newspaper) that, "You'll never amount to anything." She's an awarded nurse and now nurse educator at a leading hospital. Told my brother he was a loser and was equivalent to, "the kids who used to pick on me but now serve my fast food"... my brother is a doctor. After telling me I was no good at being an editor, I'm now a Creative Director and an accomplished freelance writer. Go fuck yourself, Mr. Wright.

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