This whole thing is HUGE news to no more than a hundred people

That is a huge component of the problem too - The fact that Anthony doesn't get that being a 'shock jock' is fucked out.

Opie and Jimmy have tempered their careers to something that's more suitable to men of their age. These aren't young guys taking on 'the man' anymore. These are middle aged men that needed to re-tool their craft if they didn't want to become the punchline of a joke.

Anthony seemingly is the only guy in the group who didn't get that. He still wanted to be the guy who said the 'edgy' shit even when it meant his career was on the line. And now he's odd man out.

That's really the ultimate simplicity of this entire thing.

And instead of trying to calm the storm...what did Anthony do? He doubled down. But Anthony now only appeals to a fragmented fringe base that wants to hear certain types of speech that have no broad appeal to the mass populace.

And he can have that base. And they'll be happy to listen to his inane rants about minorities and liberals...but the problem is, he's not intelligent enough to hold his own against true intellectuals. The kind of discussions Anthony wants to have and the way he wants to have them, would be laughed out of a room by true political minds.

So where does that leave him? With a small fanbase of like minded individuals, when he COULD have been riding on the gravy train with the other two, if he could have only remember how good his life really was, and how he didn't need to be ranting about the shit he was ranting about.

Somewhere along the way, Anthony forgot that people loved him because he was fucking hilarious. The 'Opie and Anthony' brand wasn't built on political was built on comedy. Anthony had idiots telling him how brilliant he was when it came to politics....and he was foolish enough to let himself believe them.

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