Who's helped by raising the minimum wage?

Right, I said the issue should be about what the minimum wage should be. That's a huge discussion because what's acceptable is highly variable person to person. Most issues I find come down to what constitutes "a moral standard of living".

Everyone pretty much agrees a full time worker should be able to afford food and shelter but to what extent? Their own house or an apartment with roommates? How much buying power for food? For how many people? What about mother's with 5 kids? Should we pay them more than single workers for the same work because their need is higher? Where does personal accountability for your situation in life factor in? Is it okay to draw a line in the sand that says " beyond this point you fucked up, live with those consequences "? I'm just spouting random thoughts but the point is it's a huge can of worms with a HUGE spectrum of opinions. And that doesn't even account for the cost of living differences between different areas. Should we expect people to move according to their income requirements? It's a fucking mess of a topic and tempers heat easily over it.

Also, as a side point, you really undervalue the role of c level execs. That role isn't usually something you just work up to. You don't just go from burger flipper to ceo because you put in the years. You have to have a very specific variety of skills to effectively do that job. That's why startups and entrepreneurial companies often reach a point where the owners give up control to bring on a CEO and whole executive team - it's not something most people can just step into because they've been working there for any length of time. A great executive team can turn shit into gold and gold into an empire. A shitty exec team can run an empire into the ground almost overnight. It requires skillets TOTALLY different and irrelevant to the actual work being done within the business.

And I already addressed low level workers. They are important, yes, but their availability and skillset make them very low value and highly replaceable.

/r/interestingasfuck Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com