Wife beats husband immediately after he got home

I cannot provide sources for you, you will have to perform your own research, as you've already assumed I am male. Regardless of your own gender, my now being labelled as a male publicly on Reddit would constitute any structured argument I provide as me mansplaining, which in the UK is being considered as a hate crime. Which would subject me to legal action in the future if I provide an argument.

Strange how the first thing you resort to is name calling. Incel must be your favorite word too, considering you're making the claim without knowledge of my own relationship status.

My significant other and I have been in an amazingly fulling relationship for a decade.

Perhaps our successful relationship is due mostly to the fact that we treat each other with love and respect. Meaning, they treat me with the same level of love and respect that I treat them.

How extremely oppressive and evil of me to request that someone of a different gender treats me humanely, surely.

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