Windows 10 sends identifiable data to Microsoft despite privacy settings

Anybody else inspired to write a dystopian novel every time they open their fucking eyes? Mine would be about comedy. In this world jokes are illegal. Any form of humor is strictly prohibited as to not confuse anyone. Nobody smiles anymore. It's not illegal but it's frowned upon. If you're caught joking around you will be reeducated until you have seen the error of your ways.

The main character would be a comedian who has to perform underground. Jorge is not a timid man by any means but he has to keep to himself to hide the double life he's living. The story picks up when Jorge is 35. Comedy clubs had been banned for 10 years already. Jorge never thought it could happen. He was always anti-censorship because when he was young he remembered his father had discovered a cure for a brutal disease but because he worked independently he research was ostracized and deemed as misinformation.

All media at the time was closely monitered and regulated. There were no news stories anymore, just stories. There was no importance to anything really. You'd either work as a technician; fixing the autonomous bots that took over most jobs or you'd be on state gratuity. That's what they called it. In order to receive state gratuity you had to be on call at any time to replace an auto-bot for any number of unreasonable tasks. Sometimes people would just kill themselves or escape into nature to avoid the impossible tasks they'd been assigned.

Unlike some dystopian novels children aren't shitty. Sometimes Jorge would make funny faces at them and they can't help but crack a smile. Once he even made a kid giggle which was swiftly smacked out of him by his mother. "I told you to never smile in public! You're embarrassing your mother".

Anyway I'd call the book No Joke. I actually want to write it but I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking of doing it. This has nothing to do with windows 10 but I fucking felt creative give me a break.

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